USS Dragoon

USS Dragoon
10' x 5' x 4'
Keywords: Tolkien, Christ, Your Empire and Your Desktop
USS Dragoon: One God to Rule Them All…And in the Darkness Bind Them – An Elvin class computer aircraft carrier prepared for battle with an on-deck army of knights and dragons.
GodsEye is borrowed from the computer gaming term God’s eye perspective which positions the player as a God/General/Wizard floating above the world – awarded total control over cities, armies and minions. GodsEyecosists of several computer sculptures that make up a techno-/neo-medieval landscape built around the functional hardware elements of a computer desktop environment: keyboard, mouse, monitor, tower, etc. Formally, it draws from the subcultures of custom computer case modifications, hardware hacking, computer game modification and sampling.
Exhibition History
FACT, Liverpool, UK
Katoennatie Museum (permanent collection), Ghent, Belgium
Postmasters Gallery, NY, NY