Sheik Attack

Sheik Attack
Digital Video
TRT 00:16:45
Sheik Attack is a contemporary non/fiction horror film woven from pop nostalgia, computer war games, the sweat of virtual commandos, the blood of Sheiks and a mis-remembrance of a long lost Zionist Utopia.
Links (4 stills+description+bio 1.9mb zip file)
Juan Devis – text from KCET
Tim Griffin – review (Artforum)
Florian Zeifang – interview (Tages Anzigler, Zurich)
Diane Luden- interview (
Creative Capital- interview
Marie Lechner- review (Liberation, Paris)
Peter Goddard- review (Toronto Star)
Holly Willis – The Military Games People Play (LA Weekly)
Exhibition History
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
The New Museum of Contemporary Art, NY, NY
ICA, London, UK
FACT, Liverpool, UK
Frac Basse-Normandie, Caen, France
Chapter Arts, Cardiff, Wales
Villette Numerique, Paris, France
Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George, Canada
Pheonix West, Dortmund, Germany
Andrea Rosen Gallery, NY, NY
Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, New York, NY
Video Zone, Tel Aviv Israel
Postmasters Gallery, NY, NY
ZKM, Karlsrue, Germany
ZDF Broadcast
ARTE Broadcast
Edith Russ Haus for New Media, Oldenberg, Germany
Explora Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel
Museum Ludwig, Koln, Germany
Electrofringe Festival, Newcastle, Australia
Internationales Bochumer Videofestival, Bochum, Germany
Arts Centre Vooruit, Gent, Belgium
Tram Video,Monplaisir Multimedia, Lyon, France
Center for l’image Contemporary, Saint-Gervais Geneva, Switzerland
Cube Cinema, Bristol, UK
Israeli Film Festival, Bonner Kinemathek, Bonn, Germany
SMART Project Space, Amsterdam, Netherlands
VIII Festival Art Video de Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco
ARGOS, Brussels, Belgium
Centre de Cultura contemporania Barcelona, Spain
Espacio de Cultual El Tanque, Canarie Islands, Spain
KUNSTFAKTOR, Berlin, Germany
LA Freewaves Festival, Los Angeles, CA
Medi@terra 2000, Athens, Greece
Side Street Projects, Los Angeles, CA