Fort Paladin

Fort Paladin
Kinetic Sculpture
6' x 6' x 5'
Keywords: Tolkien, Christ, Your Empire and Your Desktop
Fort Paladin is a medieval computer castle automaton trained to kill and master the American army ‘s recruitment training game “America’s Army” using elecro-mechanics and a custom written expert system.
GodsEye is borrowed from the computer gaming term God’s eye perspective which positions the player as a God/General/Wizard floating above the world – awarded total control over cities, armies and minions. GodsEyecosists of several computer sculptures that make up a techno-/neo-medieval landscape built around the functional hardware elements of a computer desktop environment: keyboard, mouse, monitor, tower, etc. Formally, it draws from the subcultures of custom computer case modifications, hardware hacking, computer game modification and sampling.
Martha Schwendener – review (
Kevin Temple – review (Toronto NOW)
Peter Goddard- review (Toronto Star)
Exhibition History
Media City Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
The New Museum of Modern Art, NY,NY
Postmasters Gallery, NY,NY